Musculoskeletal Problems

Don’t let musculoskeletal pain (muscles, joints, ligaments, and nerves) ruin your life. Come and see why we are different and why we succeed.

Is pain affecting your life and what do you do when pain and loss of function continues? This is where a visit to us is necessary.

The musculoskeletal system consists of the human skeleton which is made up of bones attached to other bones via joints. Skeletal muscle attaches to the skeleton by tendons. There are 5 basic tissues comprising the musculoskeletal system: bones, ligaments (attaching bone to bone), cartilage (protective gel-like substance lining the joints and intervertebral discs), skeletal muscles and tendons (attaching muscle to bone). When we refer to musculoskeletal conditions we are referring to a wide range of symptoms encompassing almost all the joints, back or muscular pain.

Common Musculoskeletal Conditions are listed below;

  • Ankle Sprain/Pain
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Whiplash Injury
  • Knee Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Wrist Sprain/Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Tennis Elbow Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Post-Operative Rehabilitation
  • Post Fracture Pain

Many musculoskeletal conditions can cause symptoms of pain (ache, sharp, shooting, darting, soreness) or swelling or tenderness in the area. However, there are other symptoms which are also connected with these such as sleep disturbance, fatigue, lack of energy or lethargy, anxiety and stress.

Musculoskeletal conditions vary in severity. Pain and discomfort secondary to these conditions can interfere with daily activities and potentially limit a person’s independence. They are extremely common and the risk of developing one increases with age.

Musculoskeletal conditions have a range of causes such as age, occupation, activity level, lifestyle, sport and comorbidities. Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions.

We have a great deal of specific clinical experience in the management of musculoskeletal conditions. Assessment will allow us to really understand how pain effects your life and what you want to return to. The body is amazing but and sometimes we only focus on negative comments for our pain for instance degenerative discs and “wear and tear”. This naturally frightens us and may produce increased protection of painful joints resulting in more pain instead of movement and loading for normal function.

Our highly skilled Medical Professionals will provide expert treatment for your pain as well as prescribing specific exercises to treat your musculoskeletal condition, reducing your risk of re-injury and giving you a long-term solution. Our staff are highly trained and qualified to provide expert care to our patients using evidence based therapies and treatments.

For further details please contact our Client Care Team.

Telephone: 00 973 35193767

Email: [email protected]